Managing the Maze of Work: Student Workshop by Dr. Jane Horan, Founder and CEO of the Horan Group
March 22, 2023 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Managing the Maze of Work
Student Workshop by Dr. Jane Horan, Founder and CEO of the Horan Group
—— Abstract ——
Like it or not, the workplace is a maze. Becoming “maze bright” requires learning how to navigate organisational culture, including workplace politics. Join us for a lively session on this important and challenging topic, led by Dr. Jane Horan, an expert in inclusion and diversity, cross-cultural leadership, unconscious bias, and career transitions. Designed specifically for students transitioning from university to full-time work, Dr. Horan will share her research findings and practical strategies for navigating various challenges at work, without compromising personal values and goals.
—— About the Speaker ——
Dr. Jane Horan is the founder of The Horan Group, helping organisations build inclusive workplaces and working with individuals on career purpose. Building on 25 years of industry experience and a doctorate in narrative inquiry, she is an internationally recognized speaker, consultant, and author of a number of articles and three books: I Wish I’d Known That Earlier in My Career: The Power of Positive Workplace Politics (Wiley, 2011); How Asian Women Lead: Lessons for Global Corporations (Springer, 2014); and Now It’s Clear! The Career You Own (Springtime, 2018). She is a Distinguished Research Fellow with the Conference Board and an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Faculty of Arts, HKU. She has lived, worked, and studied in the U.S., China, Singapore, and Hong Kong.
—— Details ——
Date: March 22, 2023 (Wed)
Time: 18:30 – 20:00
Venue: Rm 151, Main Building, Main Campus, HKU
Language: English
Registration HERE