
Diversity & Inclusion Seminar

Dr. Brenda Rodriguez Alegre / 心理學家及性別研究學者 Psychologist & Social Advocate

02.09.2018| 2pm-3:30pm

Screening Room @ Eaton Workshop


早鳥價 Early Bird|HK$40

正價 Regular|HK$60


*All net proceeds from this seminar will go to Transgender Resource Center

90 分鐘 mins | 以英語主講 In English

女性各有獨特的生命歷程、身份認同及表達方式,但社會仍以異性戀這個「標準」出發,長期以一種狹隘的角度思考性別議題。女同性戀、雙性戀、無性戀、泛性向及流動性取向人士在各種空間及平台上都被拒之門外,跨性別女性及非二元性別人士更往往被無視。心理學家及性別研究學者 Dr. Brenda Rodriguez Alegre 將於本環節探討這類被忽視的女性,近年來如何引起大眾對於性別議題的關注,以及如何在充滿壓迫的社會中重奪一席之地,並將會討論「多元交織性(intersectionality)」為何應該是社會邁向大愛大同的發展方向。

Women are of different experiences, identities and expressions, but society has maintained a heteronormative and constricted sense of gender for a long time. In many spaces and platforms lesbian, bisexual, asexual, pansexual and sexually fluid women are left out. Transgender women and non-binary people are made invisible. In this session Dr. Brenda Alegre talks about these invisible women and how they have made themselves reemerged and how they reclaimed their spaces in recent years. She talks about how Intersectionality should be our feminist way forward.


活動詳情 More Info: http://bit.ly/2Lt5AYi

Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1871360449628278/

購票 Ticketing: http://bit.ly/2mKiS8d

購票步驟 How to Buy: <1> 先選日期 Select the date

                                   <2> 再選這個節目Select the programme


Website: https://womensfestival.hk

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IG: @womensfesthk

