Social Awareness Student Package | Women’s Festival HK

Social Awareness Student Package
3 Talks + 1 Workshop + 1 Film

We are pleased to report that the organizers of Women’s Festival HK has created a “Social Awareness Student Package” with 3 talks, 1 workshop and 1 film for HK$180. All students and teachers are welcome to join this program.

Diversity & Inclusion SeminarDr. Brenda Rodriguez Alegre / 心理學家及性別研究學者 Psychologist & Social Advocate

02.09.2018| 2pm-3:30pm
Screening Room @ Eaton Workshop
早鳥價 Early Bird|HK$40
正價 Regular|HK$60
*All net proceeds from this seminar will go to Transgender Resource Center
90 分鐘 mins | 以英語主講 In English

女性各有獨特的生命歷程、身份認同及表達方式,但社會仍以異性戀這個「標準」狹隘地思考性別議題,把女同性戀、雙性戀、無性戀、泛性向、流動性取向人士、跨性別女性及非二元性別人士邊緣化。心理學家及性別研究學者 Dr.Brenda Rodriguez Alegre 將於本環節探討這類被忽視的女性,近年來如何引起大眾對於性別議題的關注,以及如何在充滿壓迫的社會中重奪一席之地。
Women are of different experiences, identities and expressions, but society has maintained a heteronormative and constricted sense of gender for a long time which pushes lesbian, bisexual, asexual, pansexual, sexually fluid women, transgender women and non-binary people to the margin. In this session Dr. Brenda Alegre talks about these invisible women, and how they have made themselves reemerged and how they reclaimed their spaces in recent years!

Women in Protest: A Panel Discussion
嘉賓:袁嘉蔚 / 社運抗爭者、 何潔泓/記者、何式凝教授 / 香港大學社會工作及社會行政學系教授
主持:洪曉嫻 / 詩人及寫作導師
Speakers: Tiffany Yuen / Social Activist, Willis Ho / Journalist, Prof. Petula Ho / Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, HKU
Moderator: Kitty Hung / Poet & Writing Instructor

Screening Room @ Eaton Workshop
早鳥價 Early Bird|HK$40
正價 Regular|HK$60
*All net proceeds from this seminar will go to HK Free Press.
120 分鐘 mins | 以廣東話主講 In Cantonese

We have invited prominent female activists: Prof. Petula Ho, Tiffany Yuen, Willis Ho, and Kitty Hung, to share with us their experience of participating in social movements. Through the discussion, they will focus on the often overlooked aspects of social movements such as gender, body, and affect, and highlight the importance of gender consciousness in movements.

0480 反性暴力工作坊
0480 Anti Sexual Violence Workshop
風雨蘭 Rainlily

Screening Room @ Eaton Workshop
早鳥價 Early Bird|HK$40
正價 Regular|HK$60
*All net proceeds from this seminar will go to Rainlily
90 分鐘 mins | 以廣東話主講 In Cantonese


風雨蘭性暴力支援熱線: 2375 5322
Rainlily will give a brief understanding of sexual violence and the current situation in Hong Kong. The workshop aims to help participants consolidate their own views on sexual violence via discussion on case study as well as interactive activities, and hence to reflect “my” role on combating sexual violence.
RainLily Sexual Violence Helpline: 2375 5322

Happy Retirement Seminar
嘉賓:黃沛霖博士 / 臨床心理學家 、葉李淑儀 / 資深輔導員李慧逸 / 助理社會工作主任
Speakers: Dr Adrian Wong / Clinical Psychologist, Angela Ip / Senior Counselor, Sannie Li / Social Worker

Screening Room @ Eaton Workshop
早鳥價 Early Bird|HK$40
正價 Regular|HK$80
*All net proceeds from this seminar will go to Big Silver
90 分鐘 mins | 以廣東話主講 In Cantonese

Ageing is a process that we all have to face. Women entering retirement age not only need to deal with the change of body conditions but also the shift of roles . In this seminar, we have invited a clinical psychologist/ scholar, social worker and a retired senior counselor to share with us how women can prepare for the change of social and family role during their new stage of life. Who’s up for tips to embrace their silverhood with confidence and grace?

The Helper

Screening Room @ Eaton Workshop

早鳥價 Early Bird|HK$80
正價 Regular|HK$100

電影放映 Movie Screening
映後分享會 Sharing Session

以英語主講 | In English

Joanna Bowers | 2017 | 香港 | 106 分鐘 | 英語,附有中文字幕
Joanna Bowers | 2017 | Hong Kong | 106 mins | English with Chinese Subtitles

《守護者》通過一系列真實故事,從多方面展現了在港外籍家庭傭工群體堅強、堅定且自豪的品格,動人心弦。在香港富裕奢華的光環背後,這群女性不僅要照顧雇主的家庭,還需支持自己在遠方的親人。對於很多本地孩子來說,她們可謂是第二個母親,是不少香港家庭不可或缺的一份子;同時,她們背井離鄉,無法照顧自己的孩子,但為了能夠給他們提供更好的經濟支持,選擇背負思念親人的痛苦,埋頭苦幹。《守護者》希望透過影像,將她們作出的個人犧牲以及對香港社會的貢獻呈現於觀眾眼前。 外傭群體在香港常遭誤解與詬病,而《守護者》意在以積極的語調和外傭們勵志感人的故事,邀請觀眾走入她們的世界,聆聽她們生命中的苦與樂。
In a city renowned for wealth and luxury, The Helper brings to light the sacrifices they make to support families – both in Hong Kong and at home. Often seen as the second mother in many homes, the stories show the immense contribution they make to Hong Kong society; a domestic backbone provided to so many. This is in the face of heart-breaking separation from their loved ones. Each feel wrenched from families, often missing crucial stages in their children’s lives, but do so willingly in order to financially provide for them. But the overriding message is a positive one. The Helper gives a human face to an often-critiqued community, countering negativity with uplifting stories of personal achievement.

Please find the website of Women’s Festival HK for more information:

Ticketing on Ticketflap:
Instagram: @womensfesthk